Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2024)

Last updated on Feb 22, 2024 at 20:30 by GhazzyTV and Lavender

This is the perfect leveling guide for new players wanting to start with Void Knight!This page will cover everything and anything you could need to know about leveling the class,including which skills to use, what stats to prioritize, and what uniques are useful early inthe game.


Build Introduction

This version of the Void Knight's Leveling Build is focused around high survivabilityand on-demand mobility. The build is extremely beginner friendly and can be used all theway to level 70 without any issue.

The entire build is built around Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (1)Rive to slash your targets and deal both AoEand single-target damage to enemies. Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2)Healing Hands is converted to deal meleedamage and combines with Rive to both boost damage and heal ourselves.

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (3)Anomaly is taken to provide extra Attack Speed and Leech, while also debilitatingclose enemies with stacks of Void Resistance Shred. For an extra layerof buffs, Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (4)Volatile Reversal is taken and provides extra Movement Speed and Attack Speed.

Our main way of getting around maps will be Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (5)Shield Rush. This will makestraight hallways take no time at all since there is no distance limitation, as long asyou don't touch a wall.

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (6)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (7)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (8)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (9)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (10)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (11)


Void Knight Leveling Passive Trees

Class PassivesSkill Passives

SentinelPaladinVoid Knight

RiveShield RushHealing HandsVolatile ReversalAnomaly


Sentinel Passive Tree

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (12)

Void Knight scales very well off Vitality, and as such, we will startthe Sentinel Tree by taking Fearless. This build will only dealdamage at melee range, so Armour Clad will be the next target, followedby Valiant Charge as this reduces the cooldown on both Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (13)Shield Rushand Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (14)Volatile Reversal. Take two points in Time and Faith in order to sustainour Mana after Shield Rushing. One extra point than what is required to start a Mastery Passive Treeis taken in order to dual-wield with Gladiator.


Paladin Passive Tree

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (15)

Prior to starting the Void Knight Passive Tree, make a quick detour into Paladin in order tounlock Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (16)Healing Hands. There is not much of a choice here, so we opt for the extra Resistancesthrough Defiance.


Void Knight Passive Tree

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (17)

The entirety of the rest of our Passive Points will get dumped into Void Knight.For the Tree above, you should prioritize the nodes Void Blades,Finality, and Eternal Form. The first and third node providesubstantial damage increases, while the second gives us a Kill Threshold on every bit of damage wedeal. You will have to take other nodes in order to access some of these, so fulfill those requirements as youcome across them.

Echoing Strikes has great synergy with Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (18)Rive, as Rive does extra damagewhen it hits with an Echo. Taking the five points here will double our chance to Echo.

At the point of reaching level 70, and you've finished all quests,you should have a total of 21 points into Sentinel, 5 points intoPaladin and 57 points into Void Knight.



Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (19)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (20)Rive will be your most pressed button for the build as the main source of damage you will deal.There is nothing terribly fancy with this, however we will be dual-wielding purposely to take advantage ofWeapon Specialist. This allows Rive to scale off Vitality and allows it to scale similarlyto how other Void Knight skills scale. This forces us to use an axe in the left weapon slot and a sword in theright. Follow up with Temporal Warrior before cutting back and grabbing Challengeas early as you can. The last node that should be taken is Ripples of Oblivion. This is because the Passive inthe Void Knight Tree that increases our Echo chance is deep in the Tree, so we will not see the full effect of this untilyou reach that.


Shield Rush

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (21)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (22)Shield Rush serves as a way for us to quickly move from point A to point B. Even though this skill has a high Mana cost,we'll refund all of the lost Mana with melee attacks because of Time and Faith. Normally Shield Rush does requireyou to be using an actual shield, however Dark Rush allows us to use the skill without one. It is also the pathingtaken to add Void Damage to the skill. Shield Rush does a decent amount of damage with its final hit, so stopping on a group of low Healthmobs will likely kill them.

Once you've grabbed the ability to use this skill without a shield, immediately take Rush Mastery. This significantlycuts the Mana required to use it and will take a bit of the burden off your resources. From here, grab the Void Damaging nodes,Void Breaker and Temporal Strike. Warrior's Entrance should be grabbed after this.From this point, we finish off with Protective Speed. You may instead place these points into Critical Rushif you'd rather take the damage increase over the defensive one; it is purely based on personal playstyle and choice.


Healing Hands

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (23)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (24)Healing Hands will never be manually casted with this build. Instead, it is automated off Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (25)Rive in orderto heal you as well as deal Melee Damage. The animation for it is a bit subtle when tied to Rive, but you can see little sparks of yellowcome off your weapons when you use the skill if you look closely.

Your first pathing should be immediately upwards towards Cleric's Hammer. This automates it off meleeattacks, in this case Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (26)Rive. The next goal here is to kill the Mana cost on it, otherwise we will constantly be low on Mana due toVoid Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (27)Shield Rush usage. Purity of Thought and a single point in Blessed Parishshould be enough to make it so you don't feel low constantly. Once your Mana is comfortable, immediately head towardsSeraph Blade. This will scale Healing Hands with Melee Damage and provide a significant boost in our damage.

Beyond this, all other nodes are taken in an effort to boost the healing capability on the skill, which in turn takes a bit ofpressure off Void Knight's typical need to have Leech. Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (28)Healing Hands is overall an extremely useful tool, and it will help greatly withyour ability to kill and sustain while leveling.


Volatile Reversal

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (29)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (30)Volatile Reversal is used as a way to buff several aspects of our character. However, before we can do that, we wantto take off how the base of the skill functions and changes our Health and Mana on use. These nodes are far too restrictivefor leveling, and absolutely useless for this build in particular. As such, your first priority will be to grab Timelost Vitalityfollowed by Timelost Wisdom. By taking these, we also immediately take the nodes before it that reduce the cooldown significantly.This is perfect, as the next nodes we want are Warped Time for the Attack Speed and Catching Upfor the increased Movement Speed.

In the later sections of leveling, we will be taking the nodes that create Void Rifts as a way to increase the damage we deal to enemies fora bit of time after they've been hit by them. The Void Rifts won't deal much damage on their own, so they are used to buff our Melee attacks.



Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (31)

Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (32)Anomaly is taken entirely for the Time Bubble associated with it. Rush Time Lord and Immediacy, then cut back and go forBorrowed Time. This will turn the skill into an instant cast so it isn't interrupting our uptime. Up front without any othernodes, this bubble will shred Void Resistance from enemies and Slow enemies within it.Manipulation should then be grabbed for the increased Attack Speed. Red Shift is mostly qualityof life, so it should be taken last.

Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools


Damage Rotation

This build is extremely straight forward as the only skill manually used to damage is Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (33)Rive.Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (34)Healing Hands is completely automated and will not even need to be on your hotbar.Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (35)Anomaly can and should be kept up at near full uptime, as this is going to increase your damageon enemies the longer they exist by shredding their Void Resistance. The combination of Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (36)Shield Rush andVoid Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (37)Volatile Reversal makes us incredibly mobile. You're able to Rush out of damage, then immediatelyReversal back into position to go back to dealing damage in melee-range. Just be mindful, VolatileReversal will always throw you back 2 seconds in time. If you don't want to leave melee-range on an enemy, givethe skill a bit before using it to keep the Attack Speed buff up and not get teleported backwards. Likewise,feel free to use this as a mob is dying, gaining Movement Speed for moving into the next pack.


Gearing and Affixes

This build forces the use of an axe to deal damage. While you can use a two-handed axe,dual-wielding will be more effective for clear speed. Early on, Cultist Blades can be found withVoid Damage on them. As you level, high Adaptive Melee Damage will trump this, but you shouldprioritize swords with increased Void Damage on them. Constellation Cleavers can be bought inthe Circle of Fortune and come with high Adaptive and Void Melee Damage on them.

Below is a list of Affixes you should aim for to better suit the playstyle of this build. Void Knightscales very well with Vitality, thus it should be prioritized on gear pieces when possible for bothdamage and survivability.

VitalityMelee Void Damage
Void Penetration
Melee Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Multiplier
Melee Attack Speed


Useful Uniques

Upon reaching level 19, Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (38)Darkstride can be equipped and worn through-out the entire leveling process. These bootsprovide you with extra Void Damage and a substantial boost you Movement Speed based upon how much extra Melee Void Damageyou gain through gear or passives.

While it can't be equipped early on, Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (39)Blade of the Forgotten Knight is going to be a massive gain for this build.It is a rare drop, so may not be something you find on your first character. However, it can be equipped aroundthe time you fight Lagon in the leveling process, and is hugely beneficial for our damage.


Progressing to Endgame

This build will carry you all the way to the start of the Monolith, whereyou will need to decide on an Endgame build to follow. We have several optionsavailable for Void Knights.

Devouring Orb Autobomber BuildMultismite BuildTime Bubble Warpath Build



  • 22 Feb. 2023: Updated for Patch 1.0.
  • 30 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

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Void Knight Mastery Leveling Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0) (2024)


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Stat priority: This build is heavily DPS-oriented so after you cap your Resistances and reach around 2500 Health, you should focus only on increasing your Melee Void DPS. Either try getting added flat Void Damage which will also boost your Movement Speed, or Attack Speed and Melee/Void Damage Multipliers.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.