New Girl (Montlake Prep #1) (2024)


1,179 reviews179 followers

October 9, 2019

New Girl by Nora Cobb

I Received An ARC From Author For Honest Review.
I Give This Book a 2.5/5 Star Rating, Listing as 2.

Cliffhanger(?): Yes.

I Will Not Have A Rating List For This Book.

I have to say I got super confused throughout the whole book, it’s felt like there was detail in random areas, but no detail where it’s really needed.
I Can’t Believe I’m Honestly Saying This, But I Weirdly Wouldn’t Classify this as a ‘Bully’ Either...It’s in the end Popular Kids ending up with well Popular Kids (Jocks & Cheerleaders), and Said Popular Girl ‘Natalie’ gets what she deserves.
The bullying should be mainly from the guys and that really doesn’t occur as much as it should’ve, plus they actually end up being ‘super weird’ nice to her quickly that felt forced.
This book feels super rushed, and characters were just pushed together way to fast, I felt like I was on a sugar rush.
Also the believability of Lucas and Jacob to being so sociable to her so Quickly just didn’t seem rational, and the IMMEDIATE bullying from other people was far fetched.

Main Female Characters (For Me) Are the Most Important to Immediately Like, Sadly I Was Very Disappointed.

Natalie was hot and cold for me but she felt uber naive, and yet way way to flirty too early that we all know will land her some point in the hot seat.
Her personality wasn’t flattering to me either, she had several persona changes, matter of fact I don’t know her real personality.
One minute she’s sad about the death of her parents then her uncle says he’ll give her more money on her allowance and now it’s like she’s acting a spoiled brat, then when she mentions her parents later on, to me it just doesn’t Paint Natalie in a Good Light at All. I Literally cannot feel sorry for her, I hate the way she mentally points the finger at others.
Then she’s smoking one minute and then she can’t handle a joint the next (which is fine, don’t get me wrong) but it’s like she wants to be a part of the cool kids.
And the now that she’s a cheerleader, the whole cheerleading thing was kind of a dumb move (I thought), also I wasn’t a fan of her weird need for ‘alpha female’ status, that again didn’t make sense.
I Don’t Know Who She Truly Is, cause you don’t get an inkling before hand.
I’m NOT a fan of the POV changes at all. I Actually Believe it Hindered Natalie a Bit.
No sense of time either.
Overall, not a satisfying read for me and I am Really not a Fan of Natalie.

This section sealed the deal:
“I feel selfish after all. My parents were the ones to die. They hadn’t wanted it or expected it but here I am feeling sorry for myself because my uncle is forcing me to live in his mansion and be rich.”

Forced? I don’t see her complaining about all the benefits.

This book didn’t reach my expectations, I More than likely will not read the next book.

    arc-or-beta-reads reverse-harem-and-poly


592 reviews243 followers

Shelved as 'abandon-dnf'

October 8, 2019

No rating as I didn't make it very far....

It was hard to like any of the characters...the heroine has to be dense or something because being from a "rough" neighborhood and having a smart mouth sure doesn't help her in her decision making skills. She does some seriously stupid things...

The guys...well, not sure what to think about them. At the point I stopped I had met them but only one was making any kind of impression and it wasn't necessarily a good one.

I did skip to the end and found it totally cliché and, according to the synopsis, the main instigator in the cliché ending is suppose to be in the harem BUT he did what he did in order to get one of the other guys girls? I think his exact words were "why would I want her when I can have....." Dude...can't root for you now and the fact that the other two just went with it makes them look weak and extremely unlikeable.

Finally, I struggled with the writing, so with all that combined its def a DNF and a no go in the future for me.

    bang-head-on-desk-stupid dissapointing dnf


339 reviews1 follower

May 17, 2020

I am a fan of bully romance and even more so when its a RH book. But from the start I just didnt feel these characters. Maybe I was just not in the right mindset for this book and maybe I will give it another go sometime, but right now I cant give it a higher rating.



1,686 reviews2 followers

January 8, 2020


Not sure so far on this one. There is a bunch going on and it doesn't explain enough of the why. I will be continuing onto the next book in hopes of finding the secrets this story hides

Jasmine Hoisington

746 reviews1 follower

September 15, 2019

3.5 out of 5

I received and ARC for this story and want to thank Sarah Skye, also known as Nora Cobb for allowing me the honor!

New Girl is written by an author I had never read before so I was excited to start the story. Especially when it is a Bully Reverse Harem, which are my favorite!

The story line is similar to most bully books I have read but this one still was able to draw me in and I didn’t want to put it down.

The main character was kind of bad a** but I also wanted to smack her and tell her not to fall for the crap that was being pulled. She did stand up for herself which is something that doesn’t normally happen. The guys were the typical jock types but I still swooned for Lucas and Jacob.

Most RH books I have read have been fast or medium burn, this book however had no steam until the end. I like a slow burn every now and again and I am hoping that book 2 will bring the heat and steamy scenes.

Book 1 was good but it left me wanting more. I look forward to reading book 2 to see if I get the more that I was missing.

Shoni Wake

352 reviews18 followers

April 16, 2020

If you are into 'giggling because they are so handsome and because I don't have no self-preservation skills', then go ahead, it's your cup of tea. Not mine. The writing is bad. MC is weak and boring. For a moment there I thought we will have something amazing. I thought we will be dealing with MC that is looking for trouble and danger high to kill the numb feeling after loosing her parents. I hoped we would have psychological issues and interesting, intricate character that never has a bottom. Nope. It's a typical bully arc where the mc loses her panties the moment a boy grazes her knee. Yeah. Hard pass.

And she is a blonde. Why are every MC in RH blonde? I think i have an issue with it. Urgh. I am weird.

    contemporary rh-bully rh-contemporary
September 13, 2019

I absolutely adored this book. It had the bully romance down pat but the intrigue was amped up. The brutality that the characters expressed throughout the book had me going through a roller-coaster of emotions for the main female character, Natalie. Her innocence was refreshing from other bully romance characters and I really enjoyed her story. The men were devious and delicious and had me on the edge of my seat. I loved the dynamics of the characters and how well the story flowed. I can't wait to see what happens to everyone in book 2! Amazing concepts and originality! Highly recommend!
I received an arc for an honest review

Missy Brown

1,517 reviews26 followers

October 17, 2019

What a freaking great first book in this series and I need book two now!!!

There is a lot happening at first, so make sure you pay close attention. Mostly I really liked this book, but there was a few things I didn't like much. But that is just personal. I feel like the plot was not fully developed yet, and honestly this is not a bad bully romance. It is on the lighter side.

I liked the female lead, she had me going "come on don't fall for that" and yeah you go girl. The guys are your typical jocks, I haven't fallen for anyone yet but I would say that Lucas and Jacob are at the front.

Overall, not a bad beginning to a new series and I cant wait to see what book two brings

☠︎︎༒︎✞︎ ѕℓιм ☠︎︎༒︎✞︎

1,453 reviews99 followers

September 2, 2020

Good book

Spoilers. Thrown throughout this review...

Okay, so I knew that this book was good. But I kind of ended up bored a little bit while reading it. Even though; it was good. Sometimes its like that when it comes to certain books.

I just know I want to read book two. Because I’m curious. Because lord this girl Natalie is dumb and naive. I’m still trying to figure out how in the world she assume that the guy in that dark room was Anthony. Like you couldn’t be that freaking stupid. Nor was you that drunk - which she wasn’t drunk at all. To figure out some wasn’t right. Because for one Anthony would’ve said something to her.

He would’ve talked and wouldn’t have left her in the room. Like I don’t understand how he bit her to a room when she got to the upstairs before him I assume. I don’t know I think Natalie seems to be wanted by so many people that she just take whatever they give.
She is very dumb and stupid by accepting anything that Jacob and Lucas give or say to her. Lord, I was like Jesus girl. But cannot wait until she gets her revenge. I don’t know when it will happen for her ending up giving something to them (meaning: making them fall for her for good) because 9/10 that will happen.

I also think that Troy is a very creepy weird boy. I didn’t like the rape thing he was about to do. I don’t agree with that. Not only that I think deep down he like her., but have everybody thinking he doesn’t like her and hate her.

I also think that Natalie is going to give in to Troy and going to end up messing with him. Both going to lose their V-Card. I can’t wait to read book 2. Even though I don’t know which book, that she’s going to get her revenge since it’s like 1-5 books to this series. I hope I’m able to finish them all because sometimes if it’s past 4 I be over it or don’t get around to reading it.


850 reviews59 followers

March 27, 2020

Honestly this would have been a 1 star read if my outrage hadn't kept me reading till book 3.

Natalie the mc is whiny, spineless and self absorbed. One of her love interests at her new school is a drug dealer that cant take responsibility for his actions and also happens to be Natalie's other friends crush. Let's just say neither subscribes to the sisters before misters code. Her second love interest threatens her and is the reason she is bullied but is honestly the best of the bunch. The third love interest has a gf and wants Natalie to remain his dirty little secret. The final one is the worst. He crosses a line that should never be crossed in a potential love interest ad is pretty much the reason for all of Natalie's problems. And yet at the end of the day he will be forgiven and with the way book 3 was going the first love interest who was mostly a victim of circ*mstance is the one who is being vilified.

So nope.


3,525 reviews109 followers

August 25, 2020

The writing was really bad. Not even mediocre.
The heroine’s personality was all over the place.
I was unable to connect.
I love RH bully stories, but this story was felt as if was going in all different directions.
One hero had a girlfriend, he wanted the heroine as a dirty secret and she was fine with it.
The heroine was supposed to be this strong person, but I felt she wanted to ‘fit’ in more than anything.
I really tried to finish this book, but I could not continue.
There was nothing redeemable about any of the characters.

The heroine’s parents die in a tragic accident. She ends up living with her uncle who sends her to a private school with a bunch of rich kids. There the heroine meets three rich guys.

Reading is subjective. You may love this.

    amazon-ku boarding-school-academy-private-sch bully


46 reviews

July 12, 2020

Never seen a book description so inaccurate... for all 5 books.
I also can’t stand the heroine.
Weak wiled, a bit of a tease and not very smart.
2 of the love interest never even bullied her, it just petty high school drama. And the last boy barely enter the picture as a love interest until book 4. a fourth boy had more interaction with mc and seem like a legit lover in the making (tho he creeped me out) but is legitimately jilted for all the wrong reasons (even tho there was plenty to blame him for before, mc forgave him then just changed her mind).
Overall, it was a very juvenile series


23 reviews

February 25, 2020

Dumb (spoilers)


Why write such a inadequate h. She's not anything special. Too stupid to live for sure. Who would willingly put themselves in another situation so soon after an attempted rape with another person they barely know. Especially the person that supplies date rape drugs?? Authors want to release bully romance books so quickly but end up with crappy plots and even crappier characters.


344 reviews

April 18, 2020

This book was all over the place. The MC I swear has multiple personalities or something. She’s fighting and swearing and all tough one minute and then she’s a weak, whiny brat. I don’t find this to really be a bully romance at all. The story is convoluted and pointless. Insta love but not. All because of the “rules”. 🤦🏼‍♀️ All the characters suck. I will try reading number two to see if it gets better and the characters grow.

Sarah Tindale

121 reviews1 follower

June 30, 2020

I can smell revenge on the air.!!!!

Starting a new school after a tragic accident is tough but add in vindictive girls,betrail and some steamy scenes with bouts and I got a recipe for disaster but soon may realize that this is no plan school it's like a fan hierarchy here and being nice isn't gonna turn these lions away nope she gonna have to play dirty like the rest.#GameonBi**hes


829 reviews11 followers

February 11, 2020

3 stars

I don’t actually know that this deserves 3 stars. I spent most of the book shaking my head at Natalie’s actions. I liked most of the boys for one reason or another, but I’m not sure that this series will get better.


258 reviews28 followers

February 24, 2020

With a good editor and a re-write this could be amazing. It was difficult to follow, and I had to reread paragraphs to understand what was happening. Even with my critique, I wanted to read book 2...that's why this is a 3 star vs a 1/2 star.

    0-start-of-series-book college-age-new-adult creeped-me-out-a-bit

Carol Stephens

104 reviews

March 15, 2020

Frustrating MC!

This is a great story line but Natalie (the MC) is, for lack of a better word, an idiot!! She is freakin' clueless and makes some of the most questionable decisions! Why, Why, Why?! So many "whys"!!

Kimberly Holmgren

266 reviews

March 23, 2020

Okay...I’m firmly on Team Jacob. I like Lucas but I feel something is up there. Definitely not on Team Troy and something feels off with Anthony. I’ve read a lot of RH Bully romances, this one is a nice change from the others.

Galina Sulaiman

2,097 reviews5 followers

May 10, 2020

New girl

Natalie has to move in with her rich uncle after her parents died. Senior year and a rich people school. Shes definitely a fish out of water. Gullible as well. I'm hoping that she grows a pair in book 2.


1,130 reviews20 followers

May 13, 2020


This is definitely an intriguing start for a series with all the angst in it. I read this really fast, because I just couldn't put it down, picking up the next book immediately after.


70 reviews1 follower

May 27, 2020

This series bugged me. It had a lot of potential and sadly didn't live up to it. The main character never actually developed herself and grew stronger, always leaning on others and letting events happen to her. Would have been a 5 star if she had grown some lady ballz at any stage.


46 reviews5 followers

June 23, 2020

Wow!!! What a plot twist!

This was my first book by this author and I am already in love! Read the book in 1 sitting! Seriously... ONE. And now I’m moving on to book 2. Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what comes next!

Violet Kattalakis

264 reviews1 follower

August 3, 2020

Nora Cobb is a romance literary goddess!!! New girl took me on a journey of sadness, excitement, love and betrayal. I litrally became obsessed with the strong but misunderstood characters of this book.


1,162 reviews31 followers

February 25, 2021

First, this story isn’t well written. It’s simplistic and juvenile in style and in execution. I truly felt like I was reading a story my 15 year old might write if she had RH fantasies. She’s never had a ‘real’ boyfriend...


518 reviews1 follower

October 7, 2021

A bit ridiculous. I couldn’t get attached to any character..but I’ll give the 2nd book a shot because I kinda want to know how her harem builds cause you definitely don’t get it in this book. I’d also like to point out that the guys are terrible.

    hs-bully r-h steamy-reads


196 reviews1 follower

April 22, 2022

What’s the point

I liked the writing but I am not really sure what the point is besides people getting together.

If she ends of with Troy after everything he did I won’t be able to like the MFC.

Tamotha clark

1,261 reviews14 followers

April 21, 2023

Three jock

Natalie mom and dad passed away. They destroy her emotional, with drama and situations where money and family claims to old money and generation money. The ending up rich entitled snobs.

Brandi Zolvinski

11 reviews

March 14, 2020

According to my kindle, I made it 80% through. I tried three times to finish this book. I realized I didn’t like or know enough about any of the characters to even want to know what happens.

    dnf gave-up

Angela Seaman

183 reviews

April 25, 2020


I am really enjoying this story. I can't wait to see who she ends up with and what happens next.

New Girl (Montlake Prep #1) (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.