Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (2024)

For the past few weeks, everyone has been discussing Nick Airball's duel with Matt Berkey. After a loud and very public showdown, they decided to battle live at limits of $200/400. The total duration of the match is 100 hours, but there is a cap – if someone loses a million dollars, the match will stop. Last week, the opponents took a break due to Nick's illness, but returned to the tables on Saturday. The last two sessions have been in Airball's favor, with him leading the overall standings by about $100,000.

However, little is known about him. Berkey, for example, founded the Solve for Why school, spent some time there in the solver, has taught players, and played tournaments and cash games for years, but where Nick came from is a mystery. And an even bigger mystery, where did he get so much money for the game? Definitely not from freerolls!


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23 Mayam24 02:05 EDT (06:05 GMT)

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23 Mayam24 03:00 EDT (07:00 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (7)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (8)


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23 Mayam24 03:01 EDT (07:01 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (9)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (10)


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23 Mayam24 04:00 EDT (08:00 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (11)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (12)


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23 Mayam24 05:00 EDT (09:00 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (13)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (14)


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23 Mayam24 06:00 EDT (10:00 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (15)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (16)


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23 Mayam24 06:05 EDT (10:05 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (17)

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23 Mayam24 07:00 EDT (11:00 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (19)

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23 Mayam24 07:10 EDT (11:10 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (21)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (22)


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23 Mayam24 07:15 EDT (11:15 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (23)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (24)


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Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (25)

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Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (27)

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23 Mayam24 08:00 EDT (12:00 GMT)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (35)

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The last question has become even more relevant after Hustler Casino recently announced a new record buy-in game – they plan to play with a minimum buy-in of $1,000,000. One of the guests who have already confirmed to play is Nick.

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (41)

Nick's real name is Nikhil Arcot. We found a person with that name in the list of ex-employees of an investment company, but we could not figure out if it was our Nick. Although, most likely, he is not named John Smith after all, it is not so easy to find a full namesake. The only video of Arcot from pre-poker times is an excerpt from a project he did in college about hedging risk in business. One thing is for sure – during those years of study, Nikhil was much slimmer and much more modest.

Despite the fact that Nick is an active Twitter warrior and often plays on streams, very little is known about his life outside of poker. His website succinctly states that he is a poker player and a family man. Nick told Jungleman that until last autumn he was working in investments, and now he is resting and playing poker. That is, today he can be considered a professional. Maybe he played on one of these sites?

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (42)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (43)

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Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (44)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (45)

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Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (46)

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (47)

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Apparently, Nick was doing well with investments – a month ago he lost $750k in one session and calmly discussed unsuccessful hands in a podcast. In fact, the amount of loss could have been bigger, but Nick was saved either by vanity, superstition, or by the numbers – he decided to stop at the $950k marker. In the podcast, he talked about how the whales at the table feel when they realize that the whole table is hunting them. Seeing everyone limping premium hands before you and trying to lure you into the pot is a shame. It's even more hurtful to tilt because of this, play with VPIP 58 and 3-betting hands like T4o and 73s.

It's hard to tell how weak Airball is in terms of poker, but that session went really badly for him. Although he knows how to fold, even full houses. However, he hardly remembers this fold with pride.

On 2+2 (https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/heads-up-between-nik-airball-solve-why-matt-berkey-1820398/) Nick is also not considered a classic fish, and because of his extreme aggression (you can't tell from the previous hand, but believe me, there will be proof further), many forum experts believe that it is extremely tough to play against him. By the way, his chances of winning the duel with Berkey are getting higher according to that forum.

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (48)

Recently, Nick started a channel on YouTube, where he analyzes his hands with his streaming colleagues. In this discussion, for example, he told how he defended the turn and was twice checked-raised by Jungleman.

Apparently, with this bluff, Nick took revenge on Cates for his disrespectful comments about his outfit.

One of Nick's worst enemies, at least at the poker tables, is vlogger Ethan Rampage Yau. Our hero is traditionally unlucky against him. In an ill-fated session that cost Nick -$750k, he lost several hands against his nemesis – in a 4-bet pot, he really wanted to call Ethan on the river with deuces, but could not do it. He was tilted by the end of the video.

But Nick managed to cripple the Finnish online legend Buttonclicker and win the biggest pot on Hustler streams.

We wrote about that session in detail last year.

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (49)


Henri ''Buttonclickr'' Puustinen made his debut at Hustler Casino – It didn't turn out very well.


A record pot, solid coolers and failures of a top reg online – a review of the latest stream from the Hustler casino.


Naturally, Nick's aggressive play style benefits him when he has the nuts.

However, in those cases when the opponent has the nuts, they usually manage to let Nick give them his chips – Alec Torelli checked all the streets and got the maximum value.

Due to his reputation on a recent stream, Nick was called after a 5-bet all-in for $145k by older legend Bill Klein with AQo. Nick also had AQo, so it was a really creative push.

Boldness, bravery, and Nick's unreadable ranges are sometimes well-rewarded.

But there are downsides to this play, too, like getting called light with just fourth pair.

As you know, the main thing is the result on the scoreboard. And Nick, despite all his follies, manages to make money on streams. Among Hustler's top winners, he took an honorable 18th place, right behind YouTuber Ludwig. And if it weren't for the ill-fated session at minus $750k (let's write it off as just variance), he would have ended up in second place, right behind Garrett Adelstein. By the way, he also recently spoke ill of Nick from the bottom of his heart in an interview with Doug Polk. We have already translated Adelstein's vocal jabs here.

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (50)

Player Interview

Garrett Adelstein: 'I Will Never Give Robbie Jade Lew's Money Back'


The world-famous American live regular answered questions from Doug Polk about the scandalous hand, being excommunicated from the Hustler casino, and his future in poker.


Nick's opponent in the duel, Matt Berkey, overtook him on the list of winning players by quite a bit. True, he played at Hustler only three times.

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (51)

In general, girls who traditionally choose bad guys will definitely root for Nick in the current duel (if you still don't know why they do it, watch this video). He is bold, stylish, and plays more hands than boring regulars.

Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (52)

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Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot (2024)


Who Are These People: Nick Airball aka Nikhil Arcot? ›

Nikhil Arcot aka Nik Airball, is a high stakes poker player who rose to fame astronomically. His polarising personality coupled with fearless aggression is a perfect match for Hustler Casino Live.

Where did Nik Airball get all his money? ›

The answer? "I made some money in poker, made some money working, made some money in investments. Kind of all over the place," Airball revealed.

Who is Nik in airball poker? ›

Nik Airball's real name is Nikhil Arcot. Where is Nik Airball from? Nik Airball lives in Los Angeles but is originally from New York.

How much is Nick Airball the poker player worth? ›

What is the net worth of high stakes poker player Nik Airball?
Net WorthSpeculated to be at least $8 million to $10 million*
Total Tournament Winnings$20,700
Major winsNegligible major tournament wins
Other revenue streamsCash game winnings, investment banking
May 19, 2023

Does Nik Airball know Mandarin? ›

Nik Airball is almost fluent in Mandarin, engaging in table talk with many Mandarin-speaking poker players. He often voices his strong opinions about current trends, topics and scandals in the poker world on social media and poker podcasts.

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Airballs are just shots at the basket that didn't go in. That's it. A missed shot is a missed shot, whether it's all air or whether it rolls around the rim and falls back out.

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Nick Vertucci

When his original tech business went under, he made a 180-degree turn to real estate investing and training others to get rich by buying real estate.

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In 1998, Daniel entered his very first World Series of Poker event. He won that $2,000 Pot Limit Hold 'Em event, and at the age of 23, Daniel became the youngest player ever, at the time, to win a World Series of Poker bracelet. The win earned Daniel the nickname “Kid Poker.”

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Wesley Fei is a high-stakes poker player and a regular on the Hustler Casino Live stream. Known more commonly as just "Wesley" or "Wes Side Wesley," Fei only began playing poker in early 2022 when a friend introduced him to the game. He claims to have made millions of dollars investing, mostly in cryptocurrency.

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Nick Petrangelo (born January 2, 1987) is an American professional poker player from Feeding Hills, Massachusetts. He has won two World Series of Poker bracelets. Information accurate as of November 16, 2021.

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Andy Beal – Net Worth $14.6 Billion

Andy Beal is a real estate and banking tycoon that has amassed a massive 11-figure fortune as of March 2024. Beal, also an amateur mathematician in his spare time, is widely known for participating in possibly the biggest cash games in the history of poker during the early 2000s.

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#1 Andy Beal - $10 billion

Daniel Andrew Beal, better known as Andy Beal, started out building his net worth in real estate. Andy Beal's net worth continued to grow, until it exceeded $10 billion. Beal is also a self-taught mathematician and amateur poker player.

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Bryn Kenney sits atop the all-time money list with over $65 million in live earnings.

How did Nik Airball get his money? ›

Nik Airball Says He Made His Own Bankroll

”Where did you get your money from?”, asked Tuck. The answer has been hinted at a few times before but Airball's face indicated that it really is the truth. “I made some money in poker, made some money working, made some money in investments.

Who is Nik Airball? ›

Nikhil Arcot aka Nik Airball, is a high stakes poker player who rose to fame astronomically. His polarising personality coupled with fearless aggression is a perfect match for Hustler Casino Live.

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Many Mandarin speakers (PRC), especially under 30, may not read traditional characters, but they will understand the Mandarin audio. Conversely, many speakers of other Chinese oral languages (such as Hong Kongers) may not understand the Mandarin, but they will be able to read the traditional characters.

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Without including side-bets, Polk's combined winnings from his two heads-up challenges exceed $2,000,000. Including public side-bets, they approach $2,600,000. In 2021, Doug Polk moved to Austin, Texas and has been playing live poker locally.

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Career earnings

As of August 2023, Dwan's total live tournament winnings almost equals $6,500,000.

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Originally from Taiwan, Andy Stacks is a well known poker player who currently resides in Los Angeles, United States.

Who is Wesley Fei? ›

Wesley Fei is a high-stakes poker player and a regular on the Hustler Casino Live stream.

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