Premed 101 Forums (2024)

  1. General Premed and Med School Topics

    1. General Premed Discussions

      Premed topics on Canadian med school admissions. Specific med school topics go below in their respective medical school forums.

    2. Medical Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian medical students to interact and share information.

    3. The Lounge

      Non-medical discussions go here.

    4. Research Discussions

      Discuss research topics and opportunities here, including NSERC.

    5. Non-Traditional Applicants/Grad Students

      A forum for non-standard applicants who have taken a less direct pathway to medicine or dentistry. Discussions including applications, family, and career changes.

    6. MCAT Preparation

      Discuss MCAT review courses and strategies for the Medical College Admissions Test.

    7. Medical School Interviews

      Got a medical school interview? Debates, discussions, and ethical scenarios go here.

  2. Healthcare Professions

    1. Dental Student General Discussions

      An area for Canadian dental students to interact and share information.

    2. Optometry Discussions

      An area for Canadian optometry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    3. Veterinary Medicine Discussions

      An area for Canadian veterinary students and applicants to interact and share information.

    4. Podiatry Discussions

      An area for Canadian podiatry students and applicants to interact and share information.

    5. Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Discussions

      An area for Canadian PA and NP students and applicants to interact and share information.

    6. Nursing Discussions

      An area for Canadian nursing students and applicants to interact and share information.

    7. Pharmacy Discussions

      An area for Canadian pharmacy students and applicants to interact and share information.

    8. Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Discussions

      An area for Canadian physiotherapy and occupational therapy students and applicants to interact and share information.

  3. Ontario Medical Schools

    1. General Ontario Discussions (OMSAS)

      General Ontario med school topics: eg. tuition, seats, cutoffs, OMSAS applications.

    2. 37.2k
    3. 45.6k
    4. 26.4k
    5. 38.4k
    6. 35.2k
    7. 9.4k
  4. Quebec Medical Schools

    1. General Quebec Discussions

      General Quebec premed and med school discussions, including CEGEP.

    2. 32k
    3. 81.3k
    4. 17.2k
    5. 29.8k
  5. Atlantic Medical Schools

    1. 19.5k
    2. 7.1k
  6. Western Canadian Medical Schools

    1. 56.4k
    2. 23.6k
    3. 30.8k
    4. 10.7k
    5. 10.5k
  7. Resources for Med School, Residencies, and Practising Physicians

    1. Med School Orientation 101

      Incoming med student? Discussion on Orientation topics: eg. financial aid (loans, LOC's), insurance, etc.

    2. The Preclinical Years (Med 1 and 2)

      Doing your basic sciences? Share links on the basic sciences and the USMLE Step 1.

    3. Clerkship Rotations and Electives (Med 3 and 4)

      On the wards? Links for electives, clinical medicine, and the USMLE Step 2 and MCCQE/LMCC Part 1 exams.

    4. CaRMS and CaRMS applications

      Prepping for CaRMS? Discuss strategies for your CV's, LOR's, interviews, etc.

    5. Primary Care Residencies

      Discussions on Family Medicine, Community Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.

    6. Surgery and Surgical Subspecialty Residencies

      Discussions on General Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, and Urology.

    7. Diagnostics, Imaging, and Therapeutics Residencies

      Discussions on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Pathology and Lab Medicine.

    8. Other Specialty Residencies

      Discussions on Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Medical Genetics, Neurology, and Physiatry.

    9. General Resident Physician Discussions

      An area for Canadian residents to interact and share information. Find physician salaries here.

  8. US and International Medical Schools

    1. 28.6k
    2. 10k
    3. 1k
  9. Information Exchange (Book reviews, For Sale, and Housing)

    1. Textbook and Equipment Reviews

      Your Consumer Reports for medical textbooks and equipment.

    2. For Sale/Trade Classifieds

      Your place to sell old premed and medical items (eg. MCAT/DAT supplies, textbooks, etc). No dealers please.

    3. Housing Classifieds

      A venue for finding short and long-term housing for premed and med students.



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    • Posts

      • Premed 101 Forums (55)

        By azithromycin · Posted

        Hi everyone, I'm a dental hygienist in her mid-thirties from Canada who is interested in going back to school to do dentistry. My last undergraduate courses were in 2011 and I finished a BSc in dental hygiene in 2016. What are my options in terms of applying to dental schools in the US? any that would waive the requirement of going back to do undergraduate courses given the fact that I did them +10 yrs ago. And how about the DAT? any private/accredited schools that would be easier for me get in. Would my dental hygiene degree give me any advantage when applying to schools? It doesn't matter whether to practice in the US or Canada afterwards as I'm flexible but hope to stay in North America essentially. Thank you for your help in advance!

      • Premed 101 Forums (56)

        By frenchpress · Posted

        I wonder, have you had the chance to do electives or more than one rotation in some of these areas you’ve enjoyed? Doing electives in these specialties you can see yourself in, but maybe in different kinds of environments, would probably better help you determine if there’s a version of that specialty that fits for you. I am an FM+EM, and I would say that a majority of my preceptors in my training, and my colleagues in the groups I am joining now, really seem to love their jobs. Particularly in some of the trauma centers I’ve worked in, where there’s a lot more excitement and proportionally less of the other stuff (at least compared to community EDs, although there isn’t none). They’re probably amongst the happiest doctors I know - good work life balance, well compensated, varied work, etc. I can only think of one Emerg doc who told me not to do it, and that they regretted it (and they were an FR); the vast majority of people were the opposite. I can say similar things about FM. Some people have much more interesting and varied practices than others, do more procedures, etc - the great thing about FM is the flexibility and the ability to make it into what you want. Which is not to say I think you should do EM or FM specifically - but I think sometimes when you only work in one place, and you find that everyone there is telling you “don’t do this specialty”, it should make you question if the problem is the SPECIALTY or if it’s actually that specific work environment. With regards to ICU / critical care, keep in mind that you can come to critical care through a number of 5-year specialty pathways. In the centre I did all my ICU we have significant mix of staff who did IM, anesthesia, 5yr-EM, and trauma surgery as their background before critical care, and quite the mix of IM backgrounds (pulm, heme, nephro, ID, etc). FM-EMs can’t do a critical care fellowship, but I know a number of them who do ICU extending.

      • Premed 101 Forums (57)

        By 1D7 · Posted

        M3 is also a tough time in general as you've been working hard without a good break for a long time. You'll have to accept that there are tradeoffs in every job, you have to pick a field where you can tolerate the bread and butter/downsides but still find the work enjoyable/interesting. Other medical students may not vocalize the same struggles, but for the most part it's because many are still overly idealistic about their specialties of choice. Regardless, where you're at now at the end of M3, I think you should approach things from a practical perspective. If you want a very high chance at in a nonsurg specialty with acute/acute-ish work you're basically left with FM, IM, neurology->stroke, psych->ER/psychosis. I assume you don't want to do neurology or psych since you didn't mention it yet. FMs I've seen who do ER are happy. I think it's because they know they can back off of working in the ER fairly easily. The +1 is competitive, but I've seen FMs still work in community ERs without the +1. IM can do admits from the ER. Rounding as staff is also nothing like what happens in an academic team as a med student/resident. You take care of what you need and far less time is spent rounding. You can also apply for an ICU or cardiology fellowship (although these fields are competitive). More competitive choices would be anesthesia +/- ICU, or radiology->IR.

      • Premed 101 Forums (58)

        By OttawaAnkiProject · Posted

        Hey everyone, Are you interested in Anki? Are you interested in creating an amazing Canadian Anki resource? If so I’ve got a great opportunity to contribute to a Toronto Notes based Anki deck. No prior experience required! I’m a soon to be IM R1 out West who originally made the Medicine booklet into a 15,000 card deck I found amazing while on MS4 electives. After realizing how much of a gap in Canadian Anki resources there is after sharing the original Medicine only deck I’m looking for contributors and reviewers to finish the remaining Toronto Notes specialties so that all Canadian students can benefit. Currently, the decks I’ve created includes core and subspecialty Internal Medicine, Neurology, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, and Anesthesia and clock in at ~23,000 cards based on the 2022 Toronto Notes books ( I'm hoping to find a few contributors who are willing to volunteer 20-30ish+ hours over the next few months to include all the missing subspecialties. This is an extremely flexible project you can do on your own time and as I’m in residency soon and busy it’s mostly self-guided. Priority specialties include OBGYN, Pediatrics, most surgical specialties, and non-IM FRCPC specialties like Dermatology.Note if there is not enough interest this isn’t happening. I am not finishing the areas myself. Roles are: Contributor: Minimum contribution of 20 pages of content (this is a small specialty or half to a quarter of a large one) Attend training (will be pre-recorded video + live Q&A in July) Create original cards for a specific missing content area Time commitment is ~ 20-30 hours in total over several weeks to months Reviewer: Minimum review of 2,000 cards or similar-sized specialty deck Attend training (will be pre-recorded video + live Q&A in July) Review either existing or newly created cards for a specific content area, primarily for card design May also update cards to match current version of Toronto Notes (this is TBD) No medical knowledge is necessary although helpful Review also includes looking at screenshots and tags to ensure these are correct Time commitment is ~ 20 hours in total over several weeks to months All contributors and reviewers would be able to not only improve their own clinical knowledge making the cards but also help the next generation of their fellow students. You can also add this project to your CV and we may or may not have some academic work coming out of this depending on how far we get (TBD). Please fill out the form here to be contacted: If you have any questions please email

      • Premed 101 Forums (59)

        By Niska · Posted

        Salut et félicitations! Je souhaitais seulement savoir si j'avais objectivement mes chances d'intégrer la faculté de médecine dentaire l'année prochaine.. J'ai une cote r de 35.3 en ce moment (2e session) et je m'inquiète à ce sujet étant donné le ratio 80-20 de l'UdeM qui favorise les notes. Je rêve d'une carrière de dentiste, pensez vous qu'avoir un bon CV pourrait m'aider à rentrer? En ce qui concerne le Casper, je ne l'ai pas encore passé, des conseils? Merci

      • Premed 101 Forums (60)

        By Luna8 · Posted

        Je viens d'obtenir la loupe bleue et je suis 75e sur la liste d'attente universitaire. Est-ce que ça veut dire que je vais avoir un changement de statut pour un refus ou une acceptation ? Merci!

      • Premed 101 Forums (61)

        By AppliedtoOT · Posted

        Anyone know if OT Western waitlist is moving or is the class has been deemed full?

      • Premed 101 Forums (62)

        By frenchpress · Posted

        UBC FM is crazy competitive, especially Vancouver. They always fill all their spots for all their sites, except in recent years some of the rural sites occasionally have one spot. They received a ridiculous number of applications (I heard it was 700 or 800+) the year I graduated. And because most of the rank score has traditionally been based on the interview, with very little contribution from the file review, UBC students don’t tend to have much of a home school advantage. The year I graduated less than 50% of the FM spots went to UBC grads. I know a number of really talented and smart doctors who were from BC / very BC focused who didn’t match to UBC FM - it honestly seemed almost random who did match vs who didn’t. So as an out of province applicant you stand a shot, but it’s still going to be crazy competitive.

      • Premed 101 Forums (63)

        By MedicineLCS · Posted

        Home school advantage is real as are regional advantages HOWEVER you can also be such an idiot your home school program decides you're persona non-grata. I've seen it happen. No idea specifically for UBC but FM is generally not bad. I know people who backed up with UofT FM without problems. One caveat is that someone might be a "UofT grad going to UBC" while actually originally being from BC so don't read too deeply into it as applicant preference to return home definitely contributes to shifts you see across the country.

      • Premed 101 Forums (64)

        By leonardodavinci · Posted

        Title, basically. I am an Ontario MS1 and am leaning towards FM. I like the idea of doing FM at UBC, and I wanted to know if it is crazy competitive or what the overall deal is (I know no one has access to sheer numbers but sometimes you guys have some context to share, that's all I was looking for). Is there an advantage to being in-province, asides the whole home-school advantage? Additionally, is family medicine at UBC competitive? I know everyone loves Vancouver/BC in general, so I'm wondering if there is a lot of competition from out of province applicants trying to get in there.

      • Premed 101 Forums (65)

        By Premeduzer · Posted

        I’m guessing this week or early next week

      • Premed 101 Forums (66)

        By Pineapple13579 · Posted

        Someone got off the WL again!

      • Premed 101 Forums (67)

        By Fredfre1234 · Posted

        Admise à Rimouski ce matin et loupe pour St Hya... Je sais pas quoi choisir, certains disent que ça va être le « bordel » à Rimouski.. Pas de prof, les cours en lignes, moins d'activité pratique... Vous en pensez quoi ?... ( Je reste à Amqui, 1h de Rimouski et trèèès loin de Saint Hya...)

      • Premed 101 Forums (68)

      • Premed 101 Forums (69)

        By Emma4 · Posted

        Officiellement acceptée 🥳 Félicitations à tous les autres admis aussi !!!

    Premed 101 Forums (2024)
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    Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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    Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

    Birthday: 2001-08-13

    Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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    Job: Senior Designer

    Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

    Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.