How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (2024)

Chinese eggplants are an easy, tasty Asian vegetable to grow. Here’s everything you need to know about growing chinese eggplants indoors!

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (1)

Chinese Eggplant

I never really liked eating eggplants – they can easily taste kind of bland and mushy.

But then I discovered Asian eggplant varieties and I realized I was missing out on a great tasting vegetable!

Asian eggplants tend to be smaller than American or Italian varieties. They also have thinner skins and fewer seeds, so they taste sweeter and more tender.

So if you’ve never really liked regular eggplant, don’t write off the entire category – just try Asian eggplants!

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family (along with tomatoes, peppers and potatoes) so they love sun and heat, and can’t survive a frost.

Compared to tomatoes and peppers, I found eggplants very easy to grow.

Chinese eggplants in particular are some of the oldest varieties of eggplants. They tend to be elongated, deep purple eggplants that do well in stir-frys.

They’re quick, heavy producers and can be planted indoors or outdoors, as well as grown hydroponically!

Here’s everything I’ve learned about growing Chinese eggplants.

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How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (2)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (3)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (4)

Chinese Eggplants

Eggplants are believed to have originated in India. Their name came from Europeans who traveled to the East and saw white egg-shaped orbs growing in the ground.

In China, the earliest written records of eggplants date back to 59 BC.

A Han Dynasty poet named Wang Bao referenced eggplants being grown in his work Tong Yue, writing, “In the second month of the year, the Spring Equinox … separate and transplant seedlings of eggplant and scallion.”

Similar to ancient Indian eggplants, these early Chinese eggplants were small, round fruits (but green in color). Chinese records document how agronomists worked hard to selectively breed eggplants into a tastier domestic variety.

Chinese farmers focused specifically on taste and in the process, changed the small green orbs into larger, long-necked purple shapes.

Perhaps that’s why Chinese eggplants today don’t have the typical bitterness found in American or Italian varieties!

Types of Chinese Eggplants

There’s tons of Chinese eggplant varieties. Most are deep purple, but some are blue, white or black skinned.

Some of the most popular Chinese eggplant varieties include:

  • Bride
  • Fengyuan Purple
  • HK Long
  • Machiaw
  • Ma-Zu Purple
  • Ping Tung
  • Purple Charm
  • Purple Excel
  • Purple Shine

Chinese Pingtung Eggplant

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (5)

If you’re new to growing Chinese eggplants, I recommend ping tung eggplants (also known as string eggplants). Their name derives from their place of origin: Pingtung, Taiwan.

This Taiwanese variety is the quintessential Chinese eggplant for several reasons.

It’s highly productive, very hardy and relatively disease resistant. In particular, it’s a fan favorite for the way it tastes.

The flesh turns creamy and sweet when cooked, never bitter!

(I also simultaneously grew a cute small, plump purple ribbed Thai eggplant – grow guide on that cultivar here.)

If you’re looking to buy Asian vegetable seeds, check out True Leaf Market.

They sell heirloom, non GMO seeds for all sorts of hard-to-find Asian herbs and veggies!

Buy seeds: Amazon, True Leaf Market, Botanical Interests

Read more: How to Grow Thai Eggplants

Planting Chinese Eggplants

Eggplants like fertile, well draining soil and full sun.

Start seeds indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost date.A heat mathelps to warm soil and speed up germination.

Wait to transplant until the seedlings have grown larger, and sow around 18″ apart. Chinese eggplants produce fruit relatively quickly, around 50-65 days after transplant!

Some eggplant varieties will require staking.

Make sure to harvest fruit regularly to promote new flowers and continuous fruit production.

Chinese Eggplant Grow Guide

Botanical NameSolanum melongena
Common NameChinese eggplant, Chinese string eggplant, string eggplant
Mature Size10-15 inches tall
Days to Harvest50-65 days from seed
LightFull sun
Soil TypeRich, well draining soil
Soil pHNeutral (6.2 – 6.8)
Hardiness ZonesUSA Zones 2-10
Native AreaAsia
Pestsaphids, flea beetles, caterpillars, spider mites
Diseasesblight, mosaic varieties, fungal diseases, powdery mildew

Growing Hydroponic Chinese Eggplants Indoors

I grow everything indoors inside my small NYC apartment so I’m always searching for compact vegetable varieties.

So far, out of all the eggplant varieties that I’ve grown, I’ve found the Chinese string eggplant to be the most compact and the most productive.

The plants can easily stay under 3 feet in height and produce a cluster of 10 – 15 inch long fruits. I planted 2 in my Aerogarden Farm and they really thrived!

Pollinating takes a bit of manual effort, but each plant quickly produced several string eggplants and they also matured quite quickly!

You can eat the baby fruit whole, like large chunky green beans, or slice up the mature eggplants to grill, sauté and stir fry.

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (6)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (7)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (8)

growing Chinese eggplants in a smart garden is very hands off + easy – try the Farm XL which has a 3 ft grow height capacity

If you’re growing outdoors, keep in mind that eggplants need warm soil and hot weather, so don’t put them in the ground too early.

If anything, it’s best to transplant later rather than earlier. Eggplants love heat and humidity and really thrive in the summer.

My apartment is on the warm side, and I could tell the eggplants absolutely loved the heat! They’ll put on a lot more leaf growth and flowers once temperatures rise.

But of course – within reason.

Once temperatures exceed 95°F, it can stress the plant and cause it to drop flowers.

Best Indoor Gardening Products to Grow Eggplants

Aerogarden Discount Code

Use coupon code SSG15 for 15% off any order of $50+

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants

A video grow guide covering everything you need to know about Chinese eggplants, from seed to harvest!

How Long Does It Take to Grow Chinese Eggplants?

On average, Chinese eggplants take 50 to 65 days to mature from transplanting, depending on the variety.

I started my seeds in early July, and grew them entirely from start to finish in my indoor hydroponic garden, the Aerogarden Farm 24xl.

The smart garden has a vertical height capacity of 3 feet, which is ideal for larger fruiting plants like eggplant.

By early August, the first flowers started to appear, by mid-August baby eggplants began to form and I started harvesting them in mid September.

My Chinese eggplants have continued to produce flowers and fruits and I’m hoping to have eggplants all year long!

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (10)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (11)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (12)

chinese eggplants in various stages of maturity

Do Chinese Eggplants Need a Trellis?

From my experience, Chinese string eggplants are sturdy, compact plants. I didn’t need to trellis mine!

How to Harvest Chinese Eggplants

Harvest eggplants when the skin looks shiny and glossy and the flesh is plump, with a slight give.

Don’t wait too long to harvest!

Generally, the smaller, the better because the flesh will be tastier and more tender. Once the fruit reaches maturity, the inside flesh will have lots of seeds and start to develop a bitter taste.

To harvest, I recommend using kitchen shears.

The plant stem is pretty firmly attached to the plant, so yanking it will often cause damage to the whole plant. It’s much better to cut!

Some eggplant varieties can have little thorns at the top of the fruit. So cut the stem at the very top, closest to the plant’s main branch.


Eggplant harvest pt 2! 🥹 almost too cute to eat #indoorgarden #harvestingeggplants #harvestasmr #gardeningindoors #gardenasmr #aerogarden #indoorgardentok

♬ original sound – Sher

harvesting chinese eggplants!

more hydroponics + recipes on tiktok @shershegrows

How to Store Eggplants

It’s best to eat eggplants within 1 to 2 days of harvest. If you do that, you can keep them on your kitchen counter.

Otherwise, you should definitely store them in the fridge, in the crisper drawer.

Place the eggplants in a plastic bag to keep them as fresh as possible and use them within 1 week.

How to Cook Chinese Eggplants

Chinese eggplants are typically slender and long.

They look much different from the fat dark eggplants you typically find at the grocery store, like American Black Beauty!

Chinese eggplants have thin skin and fewer, smaller seeds. It makes them really easy to cook and quite tasty, and there’s no need to peel them.

For more ways on incorporating asian eggplants and cooking Japanese dishes, take this Masterclass on Modern Japanese Cooking!

Chinese and Japanese eggplants are very similar, so you can substitute one for the other.

The only main difference is in the color – Japanese eggplants tend to be a dark, deep purple while Chinese eggplants are usually a more pale purple.

Read more: Chinese Eggplants in Garlic Sauce Recipe

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (13)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (14)

How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (15)

don’t wait too long to harvest!

from left to right: young white eggplants, string eggplants at peak maturity and overripe (yellow)

Chinese Eggplant Recipes

  • Chinese eggplant in garlic sauce

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How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors (2024)


How to Grow Chinese Eggplants Indoors? ›

Planting Chinese Eggplants

How do you grow Chinese eggplant in pots? ›

Plant one eggplant per container, 2-gallon minimum. Fill the container with a high-quality potting soil that will drain quickly. Add a balanced, slow-release fertilizer at planting and then every few weeks during the season, especially when plants start to bloom.

Does Chinese eggplant need a trellis? ›

Does eggplant grow upright or is it supposed to fall into a vine and grow on the ground? It grows upright on a shrubby plant, but the fruit can get so heavy that it pulls the plant down. Use a plant stake or cage to hold the plants upright.

Can eggplant be grown indoors? ›

You don't have to be a master gardener to grow lush and productive Fairy Tale Eggplants indoors. With a few easy rules of (green) thumb, your plants will thrive. So break out the garlic, cheese, and balsamic vinegar and get your favorite eggplant recipe ready—here are our favorite indoor Fairy Tale Eggplant care tips.

What is the secret for growing eggplant? ›

Eggplants like rich and loamy or sandy soil. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil amended with organic matter, such as composted manure or chopped leaves. The organic matter both enriches the soil and helps retain moisture. Eggplants prefer acidic soil but will do fine in neutral soil.

Is Chinese eggplant easy to grow? ›

Chinese eggplant varieties are probably some of the oldest of the vegetable. Eggplants from China tend to be elongated and deeply purple with glossy skin. They are excellent in stir fry and soup. They are quite easy to grow as long as they receive plenty of sun and heat.

Do eggplants do well in containers? ›

However, by growing your eggplants in containers – in dark-coloured pots – against a south-facing wall, you will get very satisfying results. Eggplants prefer rich, loose soils that are well drained, and whose pH varies between 5.5 and 7.

Can I use a tomato cage for eggplant? ›

You could also use a tomato cage, of which there are several types.

How do you keep Chinese eggplant purple? ›

The best color is kept by choosing firm, slightly under ripe eggplants with shiny deep purple skin (whether Italian or Chinese), cutting them as desired, pre-soaking in about 5% vinegar solution (you can get away with a little less), and steaming. Then briefly combine into the final dish.

Do eggplants like morning or afternoon sun? ›

Eggplants are sun-seekers. They thrive in full sun, soaking up at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. But it's not just about quantity; quality matters too. Young plants need gentle morning rays, while mature eggplants can handle the afternoon blaze.

What month is best to plant eggplant? ›

The best time to plant eggplant is in late spring after the last threat of frost. Eggplants have a long growing season, so you'll need to start them indoors around eight weeks before your region's last frost date.

What is the best fertilizer for eggplants? ›

Aim for a balanced fertilizer with equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Apply every 4-6 weeks, but watch your plants closely—they'll tell you if they need more or less. Remember, the goal is robust, fruit-laden plants, not just greenery galore.

Is Miracle Grow good for eggplants? ›

🌟 Top Picks for Eggplant-Approved Commercial Mixes

Miracle-Gro and Nature's Care Organic & Natural Potting Mix often get the nod for their balance of affordability and quality.

How do you grow eggplant for beginners? ›

Start eggplant seeds about eight weeks before planting outside. Plant seeds one-fourth inch deep, in flats containing sterile, soilless germination mix. Use a heating mat to keep the flat at 75°F to 85°F until seedlings emerge. Carefully monitor potting mix moisture, as heating mats will dry the mix out faster.

What do eggplants need to thrive? ›

Plant the eggplant seedlings in a sunny spot — a place that gets between six and eight hours of direct sunlight daily. The soil should be well draining and amended with plenty of compost. Eggplant grows best in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0, which is a range of slightly acidic to precisely neutral.

How many days does it take for Chinese eggplant to mature? ›

They take an average of 50-65 days to mature after transplanting, depending on the variety. We sowed our eggplant seeds in late March, planted them out into the garden in late-May, and began harvesting eggplants in the third week of July.

What is the best potting mix for eggplants? ›

🍆 Best Potting Soil Mix for Eggplant
  • Organic matter, perlite, vermiculite ensure nutrient-rich, breathable soil for eggplants.
  • 🌱 Soil pH 5.5 to 7.0 is the sweet spot for eggplant growth.
  • Homemade or commercial mix? Both can meet eggplant's specific needs.
Jan 13, 2024

Can eggplant take full sun? ›

Eggplants prefer full sun. Choose a planting area that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. Prepare the soil.

How many eggplant plants per 5-gallon bucket? ›

Space 24 to 36 inches apart within rows or 2 plants per 5-gallon container. Plant mid-April through mid-May and in July. Soil: Amend with organic matter to create a well-drained soil. Avoid planting in unamended sandy or heavy clay soils.

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