Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (2024)

Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (1)

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Hi everyone, this is Sierra! I’m itching to share with you my Earl Grey Soufflé recipe. Soufflé is one of my favorite desserts because it is small, cute, and fluffy. What tops it all is the taste! A spoonful of a warm soufflé straight out of the oven will melt in your mouth (and disappear in a second). There is just something inexplicably comforting about that.

The basic soufflé mainly tastes like a warm, sweet baked egg. Personally, I love this sweet egg flavor. However, for those of you who are not a fan of that (also for those who love warm, sweet egg flavor like me!), this Earl Grey soufflé will be a perfect dessert for your meal. The lemon-malty taste of Earl Grey tea goes well with the light and fluffy texture of soufflé for a dish that feels like a warm hug. I think I’m in love with both flavors! If you wish to stick with the basic version, simply omit steeping the Earl Grey tea.

If you’re interested in similar Earl Grey tea recipes, check out our Earl Grey Pound Cake recipe!

Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (2)

What Is Soufflé?

Soufflé is a French dessert made with eggs separated into yolks and whites. They are prepared separately, then combined together, and after a few minutes of baking it will transform into a fluffy sweet or savory dish.

Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (3)

Soufflé Means “to inflate” in French

A well-risen soufflé is a treat for both your eyes and mouth. It’s incredible to watch as the soufflé rises out of the ramekin and transforms over just 15-20 minutes in the oven. Not only does it look amazing, but the more the soufflé rises, the lighter and fluffier it will be when you eat it.

The key to getting a beautifully risen soufflé lies in a good meringue. Meringue is simply whipped egg whites increasing in volume and becoming smoother like whipped cream as air and sugar is incorporated into the mixture. As the meringue is heated in the oven, these air bubbles will expand, which will make the soufflé rise.

Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (4)

One helpful tip is to add a little bit of cream of tartar to the egg whites while beating them. The cream of tartar acts as a stabilizer for the meringue, helping the soufflé hold its shape when it rises out of the ramekin. While it doesn’t affect the taste, it will help you achieve the perfect soufflé shape. If you do not have cream of tartar, substitute with lemon juice as they are both acidic and will function similarly.

Another important step is to run your thumb around the edge of the mixture as you rotate the ramekin so that you have clearly outlined the circumference of the ramekin. This step is crucial in creating soufflé that does not stick to the sides of the ramekin and properly rises up.

Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (5)

It’s Not as Complicated as it Sounds

Soufflé is actually quite easy to make once you understand all the steps. I have outlined every single step with pictures below. Let’s get started on Earl Grey soufflé!

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Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (6)

Earl Grey Soufflé

5 from 1 vote

Recipe by Sierra ParkCourse: DessertCuisine: WesternDifficulty: Easy/Intermediate




Prep time



This deliciously comforting Earl Grey soufflé recipe is the perfect dessert to round out any meal. The classic light and fluffy soufflé is paired with Earl Grey tea to create a refreshing and relaxing dessert.


  • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature (15g)

  • 9 tsp superfine sugar (36g) (4 tsp for coating, 2 tsp for egg yolk, 3 tsp for egg whites)

  • 1 egg, room temperature

  • 3 tsp all-purpose flour (9g)

  • 4 tbsp milk (57mL)

  • 1-2 earl grey tea bags

  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar

  • Equipment
  • 2 mixing bowls

  • Sieve

  • Small pot

  • Whisk/hand mixer

  • Ramekins (or muffin tray)

  • Baking sheet


  • Grease the ramekins with a generous amount of butter using upward strokes with a brush from the bottom to the top. Using 2 tsp of sugar per ramekin, rotate the ramekin in circular motion to coat all sides with sugar. Discard the excess sugar and keep the coated ramekins in the fridgeFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (7)Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (8)
  • Separate the egg yolk and egg whites into two bowls. We will be working with the egg yolk first before getting to the egg whites. Make sure not to get any yolk in the egg whites!Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (9)
  • Gently break the egg yolk so that it loses its shape. Sift in 2 tsp of sugar and whisk until the sugar has disappeared. Sift in all-purpose flour and make sure all particles are dissolved completelyFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (10)Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (11)
  • Cut open the tea bag and combine the leaves with milk in a small pot. Over medium-low heat, steep the tea until the milk turns light brownFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (12)Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (13)
  • In 3 batches, pour the steeped tea through a sieve into the egg yolk mixture. Whisk the mixture until it becomes smoothFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (14)Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (15)
  • Remove all leftover tea leaves from the pot and pour the egg yolk mixture into the pot. Heat over medium-low and keep whisking to prevent any lumps from forming. Keep a close watch since it only takes a second for the mixture to start clumping upFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (16)
  • When the liquid thickens, turn the heat off and immediately pour it into a bowl. This may take anywhere from 4-6 minutes. Whisk well to get rid of any lumps and make it smoothFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (17)
  • Cover the bowl with a lid or a plate with small opening so that it can cool without getting any dust on it
  • Preheat the oven to 375°F with a baking sheet placed in the center rack
  • Now it’s time to make the meringue. Start by whisking the egg whites, either with a whisk, hand-mixer, or stand mixer. If the egg whites are too shallow at the bottom, tilt the bowl to whiskFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (18)
  • When you see consistent bubbles throughout the surface, add cream of tartar. Keep whiskingFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (19)
  • Add 3 tsp of sugar 1 tsp at a time, making sure that the sugar is completely dissolved each time. Whisk until you have a stiff meringue. The peaks should be firm and able to hold their shapeFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (20)Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (21)
  • With 1/3 of the meringue, gently fold it in into the egg yolk mixture. Do not mix it in!Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (22)
  • Keep adding the meringue and fold it in just until the streaks of white disappear. Do not whisk or mix hard. You want to maintain the volume of the egg whitesFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (23)Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (24)
  • Take the ramekins out of the fridge. Add the mixture to each of the ramekins until they are 3/4 filled. Tap each ramekin on a flat surface to get the air bubbles outFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (25)
  • Run your thumb around the ramekin at the top of the mixture to form a thin ring. This will help the soufflé rise straight and not get stuck on the ramekinFluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (26)
  • Take the baking sheet out of the oven and place the ramekins on it
  • Bake at 375°F for 15-17 minutes until the top of the risen soufflé is browned. Do not open the oven to check on soufflé!
  • Optionally sift some powdered sugar on top and serve immediately!


  • Soufflé is best served right after leaving the oven, since it will start to deflate after just a couple minutes

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Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (28)

We are Sierra and Kevin, and we love to cook and bake! This is our website to share our recipes where we create delicious food with minimal ingredients. We believe that everyone, no matter their budget or size of their kitchen, should be able to experience the joy of making good food. Hop on the boat!

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Fluffy Comforting Earl Grey Soufflé Recipe (2024)
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